Upcoming Events

Dates to remember coming up! We will continue to share new events as they are scheduled.

  • Lutherwood Annual Meeting: February 1, 2025

  • Summer Prelude Dinner and Drinks Event: June 1, 2025

Annual Meeting 2025

  • Save the Date


    Please consider that;

    Member congregations are to elect two (2) lay persons and a rostered minister to serve as voting delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Corporation." More participants are welcome to attend, but voting is limited to the two lay members and rostered minister.

    The meeting will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 11:00 AM in the Chapel at Lutherwood Camp and Retreat Center, 1185 Roy Road. Coffee hour to socialize will begin at 10:00 AM, with treats and coffee so that we are sharp and focused for the meeting. Attendees who are traveling are welcome to contact camp staff regarding staying the night if necessary- or if you just want to enjoy a quiet weekend at camp!

    We thank you for your continued support and participation! As always, we welcome nominations for the board up until the meeting. The quick form to express interest is here: https://www.camplutherwood.org/board-of-directors 

    If you feel inclined, please RSVP the names of those attending to the camp office at office@camplutherwood.org

    Please RSVP with:

    1. Attendance Confirmation: Will your congregation be attending the annual meeting?

    2. Representatives: Please provide the names and contact information for the two representatives from your church who will be attending.

    3. Clergy Leaders: Please provide the name and contact information for your clergy leadership.

    4. Location: Is your church located in Northwest Washington or Southwest Washington?

    5. Affiliation: Does your congregation affiliate with the ELCA or the LCMS?